Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My dwarf rabbit seems constipated

My dwarf rabbit seems constipated

22 11:36:06

My Dwarf Rabbit has not gone to the bathroom in over 12 hours (he is urinating but not deficating).  And he hasn't eaten for about the same length of time.  This is the first time this has happened in the almost two years I've had him.  What should I do?

Dear Tom,

Your bunny could be suffering from ileus, which can be life-threatening if not treated aggressively and quickly.  Please read the following:


to learn how to take your bunny's temperature.  This is the key to finding out what's causing the problem.  You will need the help of a good rabbit vet, which you can find here:

Please write back if you have more questions once you've had a chance to read those two articles.  I hope this helps.
