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Humping Bunny Question

22 9:50:26

My Holland Lop just turned three years old.  He has been with me since he was eight weeks old.  He is my baby and lives inside.  He gets to roam around my apartment when I am there to supervise (he's obviously potty trained!) He has been neutered since his testicles dropped before he was even six months old (my vet examined him before to make sure they had dropped).  About a year ago, he decided to try humping my arm.  He doesn't do it frequently but does on occasion take it upon himself to try.  I wondered why this might be happening.  I am a girl and have often wondered if it has to do with my menstrual cycle but I'm not sure it does.  I didn't wait long enough for him to even have the desire to hump before neutering him so I am curious.  I'm just trying to find an answer.  Thanks.

Dear Emily,

Holland Lops are sort of notorious for being humpy even after they are neutered.  Not sure why, but they are just that way.  :)  Good thing they're not big and scary, or it would be disturbing.  As it is, it's just sort of cute.

As for it being related to your menstrual cycle:  the only way to find out is to collect data!  Keep track of when he gets humpy, and make a graph, correlating it with your menstrual cycle.  It's possible he's picking up on scent cues coming from you, but the only way to know for sure is to test your hypothesis by meticulously collecting these data and finding out for yourself.  (Correlation doesn't necessarily imply cause and effect, but it will give you an interesting starting point if you find out there is a pattern.)

Hope this helps.
