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no more honking

22 10:45:22

she settled down over night and was a little more easy going this morning. every time i touch her dewlap she'll start running around in circles and trying to nip me. does this mean  she could be in pain, she just doesn't like it, or are they playful nice nips? Hair also keeps falling out from it? ive only owned a male dwarf rex and yet to have seen a dewlap before and have no prior knowledge on its sensitivity or purpose. could be something be wrong or is it nothing to worry about?

Dear Daniel,

If this is a followup to a previous question, I apologize for not remembering what the initial problem was.  I get dozens of questions from AllExperts every day, so please remind me if you've written another question.

Her behavior when you touch her dewlap suggests she doesn't want you to touch it (as you have guessed!).  But whether that's because it's painful or because she's having a false pregnancy and just doesn't want to be touched, I do not know.  Without seeing her nips, I can't tell if they are playful, but it doesn't sound as if they are.  She also might be just sexually aroused, which does make bunnies run in circles around your legs and honk in excitement.  (Time to be spayed!)

If her dewlap is red and raw and shedding, then it's likely that she has molar spurs causing her to drool into the fur and burn the skin.  This needs the attention of a good rabbit vet:

who can file molar spurs smooth and end the pain.  Please read:

If your bunny is not spayed, please read:

I hope this helps.
