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Rabits Eyes

22 10:54:37

our rabbit is a vey loved pet   he is five years old
he is quite healthy  but has developed  a White circle on one eye  does not seam to be affecting his eyesight. but only noticed this eye problem  yesterday  thankyou for your time  would appreciate  a answer.

Hi Hazel

It could be the start of an infection.  It is best to take him to a veterinarian that specializes in exotic pets.  They can check it to make sure its not an infection.  5 years old isn't really that old for a bunny and its honestly better to catch it quick if it is an infection.  The bad thing about infections anywhere on the eye or on the face is that they can spread quickly to the brain causing very severe neurological disorders.

I hope your little guy is ok and if you need help finding a vet please go to

Good luck
