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breeding problem... New Zealand Whites

22 11:36:24

I've been trying to breen New Zealands for two years and have not had a litter make it more than two days. I've asked several other rabbit breeders and they are clueless.
I've tried several different does and bucks (from several breeders), measured their food, provide fresh water via automatic watering system (even tried bottle water devices and crocks), nice cages from Bass equipment, nice sheldered area so other animals cannot bother the rabbits, big nest boxes, big nest holes, quality food form the local feed bard, they are out of the sun (shaded) and sheltered from the wind (but open to the atmosphere).
The rabbits seem healthy with no ear mite or feet problems and their stool seems normal. I keep their area very clean.
To say the least, I've spent a lot of money and time and have yet to have a litter that would live past two days.
It seems that the doe refuses to take care of her young.
I am at a dead end.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Dear Anthony,

If you have ruled out inbreeding as the cause of death of these babies, and are providing adequate, private housing for a pregnant female, then I, too, am at a loss to explain why the mothers are not caring for their young.  In most cases, this is explained by a stressful environment, a doe who is too young and inexperienced to care for her babies, or improper husbandry.

Because I am a rabbit rescuer and not a breeder, I really cannot offer you any advice except the following:

