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Rabbits ear

22 10:39:24

Our High School's Animal Science Class has a rabbit.  It was discovered today he has  a hard mass at base of right ear.  It does not seem to cause him pain? What is it and what action needs to be taken.  Thank You A dolven

Dear Arlyce,

This could be anything from a fibroma (benign) to a tumor or an abscess.  The two later cases need to be seen and treated by a good rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

Despite the fact that he's not *showing* pain, you can bet he's feeling it. Rabbits are prey animals, and they hide their pain and symptoms so as not to attract the attention of predators.  Please get him to a good vet ASAP for treatment.

As for the classroom situation, please read:


and ask everyone in your Animal Science class--ESPECIALLY THE TEACHER--to read it, as well.  I hope it will change this bunny's life, and lead to him having a permanent home with a family.  Maybe yours!

Take care, and thank you for looking after the bunny's welfare.
