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injured wild rabbit

22 10:16:08

i think my wild rabbit has a broken leg she doesn't move it when she walks and it looks swollen i called most of the vets in my area but they don,t see wild rabbits.what should i do?


you can check this list here:

and see if you can find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

If they are within an hour of you take her to one of them.

Also, check this page:

There may be a House Rabbit chapter near you you can call, and ask if they know anyone they could refer you to.  If there are no House Rabbit Society chapters, they list independent and affiliated rabbit rescue groups that may be around you.

In the meantime, I would crush up a baby aspirin (NOT adult) and  put it in with her water.  Once a day.  It would be better if you could get some arnica montana pills (health store) and give her 3-5 every 4 hours or so.  Arnica montana pills help relieve pain.  Write down exactly what you do for her and when for the vet so they can know what she's been given and how long ago.

You will have to take her to someone, it has to be looked at.  She will probably need antibiotics and the leg needs to be set.  It has to be done quick before it starts to heal in a bad position.

It may mean taking her for a drive, if she can handle being in a carrier for awhile.  
