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Rabbit mites/fleas

22 9:52:44

Hi, I'm not sure what my rabbit has and I think its fleas but I've been trying to seaarch online and I haven't found anything but when I look at my rabbits ears I can see small white particles on them and I don't know what it is. I was reading online and I saw that fleas are dark in colour and mites and yellow so I don't know if it is just skin flakes or not. I can't go to the vet because I cann't afford the high bill price but I dont want to leave my rabbit like this either and I don't know if I should buy a flea bath for it or not since I don't know whether it is too strong for a rabbit's skin. Please get back to me as soon as possible because i am really worried about my rabbit and I don't know what to do.

Victoria Ogley

Dear Victoria,

DO NOT bathe your bunny.  It will not cure the problem, and it is very dangerous.  Please see:

White flaky skin is often a sign of fur mites (Cheyletiella parasitivorax), which can safely be treated with Revolution (selamectin) with a vet's prescription.  It can be bought at the vet's office for not too much $$.  But find an experienced rabbit vet here:

who can help. This is pretty much the only safe treatment for mites on rabbits.  Please see:

Hope this helps.
