Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 8 week old bunny died

8 week old bunny died

22 11:04:36

Dr Krempels,
We have a total of five 8 week old baby bunny's that all appeared healthy; they were eating and playful. They are still in the same hutch as the mother (father is in another hutch). We found one bunny dead this morning and cannot figure out why?! He was lying on his side, eyes closed, no signs of injury but his abdomen appeared flattened. He was not the smallest of the group and had no signs of illness. Is there any way to identify a cause?  Please help.  

Dear Kelly,

I am sorry about the loss of the bunny.  There is no way to know why he died without a necropsy done by a good rabbit vet:

and even that might not tell you anything if the body has not been kept very cold (not frozen).  It could have been any of dozens of disparate things.

Please also see:

I hope this helps, and that all the other babies thrive.
