Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Help! Should I get bunny off Zithromax?Not eating!

Help! Should I get bunny off Zithromax?Not eating!

22 10:03:43

I just started Zithromax (oral suspension) on our bunny at 5pm tonight and when I gave her & partner their pellets at 9pm, she didn't touch them, she's usually a pig.

I read side effects from this drug and I really want to try it as she's had bad breathing problems.  Should I syringe feed her and this side effect will diminish with time, or is it something that will continue?  She's supposed to be on it for a month.  It's going to be hard syringe feeding while she's trying to breathe properly too but I'll do it if it's just to get over a couple days side effect.

Thank you!

Dear Paula,

I've heard of this side effect of zithromax, too.  In some cases, the bunny gets over it, and sometimes the drug needs to be stopped before the bun starts to feel better and begins eating on her own again.

I think you need to let the vet know what's going on, then weigh your options.  A whole month seems like a very long course for this drug, though it's worse to have too short a course than a long one.

If she's having a lot of trouble breathing, and this is the last option you're able to try, then you haven't much choice.  But if there are other options as far as antibiotics are concerned (e.g., long-acting penicillin injections, marbofloxacin, nebulization with a cocktail of amikacin, aminophylline, acetylcysteine, etc.), then ask the vet about those.

If your'e not sure the vet is a rabbit expert, you can check the list here:

to find someone for a second opinion.

Hope this helps.
