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Ear wax or infection?

22 10:36:06

Dr. K,

You were a great help about a month ago when my friend's rabbit had hind limb paresis.  We have an experienced rabbit vet (from the HRS list), but it's nice to do some research before you go so you can have an intelligent discussion about the issue.  The doc diagnosed a back injury when he slipped hopping out of his litterbox.  We're treating with Medicam as needed.

He's doing much better now and is beginning to hop again after about a month of rehabbing his back legs!

Recently he's been shaking his head alot and it looks to me like he's trying to scratch his ears but his legs aren't strong enough to do that yet.  He gets his one foot up and then falls down on his side (sometimes rather violently).

We took him today to our vet and saw the chief of staff there.  They took some wax out of his ears and said it didn't look like an infection, but didn't use an ottoscope which I thought was strange.  I trust this doctor because he really knows his stuff, but the rabbit is still shaking and trying to scratch.  Is there any cause to worry about head tilt or anything like that?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Dear Charles,

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

The signs you describe are very consistent with an ear mite infestation, though perhaps only in a very early stage.  

Please ask the vet about getting some Revolution (selamectin) for the bunny.  This sounds as if he might have a case of ear mites, which are not always easy to find.  I'm betting that an application of Revolution will stop his head shaking within a day or two.

It's possible that this is an incipient infection, but I would try the Revolution first.

Hope that helps.
