Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit is not using hind legs

rabbit is not using hind legs

22 10:45:14

I just got back from vacation and my rabbit isn't using his hind legs.  My parents say he's been like this for a few days and they say that they saw him kick his legs once.  So i don't know for sure if he's unable to move them or not; he just drags them. I'm very worried and I don't know what's going on or my if rabbit is in pain or not. My other concern is that my parents won't be up for paying vet bills for a rabbit. HELP?

Hi Olivia

I hate to have to tell you this but your bunny most likely injured its spine.  There is usually nothing that can be done for these bunnies and there is no question that the bunny needs to go to a vet.

A rabbit can break its spine very easily.  Their skeletons are so fragile and only make up about 7 - 8% of their body weight.  A simple kick or even a binky can cause a fracture to the spine and can cause irreversible paralysis.  Although many people will tell you that you can live with a disabled bunny it is hard work.  You would have to move the bunny constantly to make sure that it does not get sores from being in the same position.  It would be incontinent and would need to have diapers.  You would need to give it butt baths every day.  The rabbit will also need to be on pain management.

I know you said that your parents aren't up for paying vet bills.  Tell them that it is cruel to make this rabbit suffer.  Although the vet may want to do Xrays to confirm that it is a spinal injury, it is doubtful that the rabbit will recover.  At the very least tell them to take the rabbit to the vet for an exam and if recovery is doubtful then you may have to make the hard decision to let him go.

I understand that you love your bunny and I know how hard it is to let go.  Our animals trust us with their lives.  They can't make decisions and they trust us to make the decisions for them.  I always tell people that you have to look at quality of life.  I would not want to live my life lying in the same place all the time with no dignity, and pooping in a diaper.  If it were legal I would hope that the people that loved me would decide that being in heaven would be far better than suffering here on earth.

I am so sorry Olivia for what happened to your bunny.  I wish I could do more for you.  I know how bad it sucks I really do.  I recently lost a dog and the day I took her to the vet for her last visit was the worst day of my life.  I know that she is in heaven now waiting for me and I find great comfort knowing that she is not suffering anymore.

I hope that you can find some peace and can find it in your heart to do what you feel is right.  Here is a web-site that I go to that always makes me feel better when I am sad.

Good luck and I am sorry again about your precious bunny.

