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Picking up my rabbit and electric...

22 9:52:11

You have been very helpful in the past and I am hoping you can help me again.
I got my rabbit for christmas so she's quite new, but I'm having some trouble holding her. As you have suggested in the past she has a binky, so that adds to the problem. However once I have managed to get near her and calm her down when I try and pick her up she scratches me. I know this sounds a bit pathetic but I really don't like her scratching me. She has bitten me once by accident; she was trying to chew her harness off and I tried to get it off. I don't mind her biting as it doesnt hurt but have you got any suggestions on how I can get her used to me?

Also about a month ago she chewed through my nintendo DS charger. She seems fine and has been acting normal but I have read about 'Cardiogenic Shock' but don't know what the symptoms are - if she did have 'cardiogenic shock' would I be able to tell?

Dear Hannah,

A harness should not be anywhere near a rabbit.  That's step one.  Restraining a rabbit in any way is a great way to get her to mistrust you.  Rabbits like to be free to move at will, and as prey species, they do not take kindly to being restrained or controlled--and that includes being held.  VERY few rabbits actually enjoy being held.  They may look like cuddly toys, but they have the hearts of lions.

If your bunny had any lasting effects from electric shock from chewing through the charger, you would probably know it by now.  But if you are concerned, have her checked by a good rabbit vet:

and let the vet know what happened.

In the meantime, this article should help you gain your bunny's trust:

Remember that every bunny has a unique personality, and yours might just be one who likes to run and explore and be petted while she's lying on the floor, rather than being held and cuddled.  Rabbits are not at all like dogs or cats, and it is never a good idea to use a leash or harness or try to treat them in any way like a dog or cat.

Hope this helps.
