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Weepy eyes, ear mites and worms

22 11:34:42

My two year old lop has clumpy fur around her eyes - obviously from weepy eyes. There doesn't really seem to be any 'white gunk' in her eyes.  Someone suggested rinsing her eyes with a solution of salt diluted  in water.  What do you suggest?
Next question...worms.  All other pets seem to get regular treatments to guard against worms...what about rabbits?
The person I bought my rabbits off recently had her rabbits rejected from a show because they had ear mites.  How do I know if mine also have mites since they came from her?  Is it O.K to spray them (or whatever it is you do) as a precaution?

Hi Suzette,

First things first, I highly recommend your rabbit see a Vet.  The weeping eyes may be from an infection which, left untreated, can cause serious problems for your rabbit as well as undue suffering.  

Whilst you are there, you can ask your Vet about worming your rabbit.  I do not worm my rabbit but then she is kept indoors and the risk is therefore very small.

Ear mites is also a condition that needs professional treatment.  The usual symptoms include scratching of the ears, shaking of the head, crustiness in the ear and sometimes a bad smell.  If left long enough, the rabbit may stop eating because it is miserable.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know how you get on or feel free to ask anymore questions you may have.

Kind regards,