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Rabbit deworming

22 11:17:27

Our rabbit lives outside in close proximity to our cats.  Recently, in the hot weather I have noticed small gray worms in the feces.  The rabbit is otherwise healthy and gets plenty of food and fresh water.  Can I treat this myself and how?

Thank you.

Dear Matt,

Do not treat your rabbit for any type of parasite until you can get a positive identification of the beasties in the poops.  If the poops are in the litterbox, these could just be maggots (fly larvae) feeding on the feces after hatching there.  This means you need to change the litterbox more frequently, not that your bunny has intestinal parasites.

Bring your bunny and a sample of the "worms" to your trusted rabbit vet.  If you don't have one, you can find one here:

If these truly are parasites, the precise medication will depend on the species of worm.  Tapeworms and roundworms don't respond to the same drugs, so you must be sure what you've got. And for that, you need a good vet!

In short, don't try anything over the counter, which could be more dangerous to your rabbit than to any type of parasite.  Do the right thing and get the help of a good veterinarian.

Hope this helps!
