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Orphaned baby rabbit

22 11:12:11

Mr. Meyer,
My neighbor's rabbit died while giving birth to a litter, and I have the only baby rabbit who survived.  The baby rabbit is currently 11 days old, has gotten quite a bit of fur, and is crawling around its shoebox (wobbly walking on all fours). However, the rabbit does not seem to be growing in size a significant amount.  A rabbit breeder that saw our little one expressed concern that it is nowhere near the size it should be at this point. Also, it's tummy is soft. The rabbit is taking KMR mixed with goat's milk (and a sprinkle of acidophilus)3-4 times a day, and maintains its temperature with the help of a heating pad. Is there anything else we should be doing? Is KMR better than goat's milk or vice versa, and how often should we feed this little one? Any help or insights would be much appreciated.  Thanks!  

Hi Bethany,

Young rabbits that are orphaned need to be fed every 2-3 hours the first month (to be safe) in order to make sure they are getting enough to do well.  If you need to up your feedings, do so.

The best info is already written at the House Rabbit Society web site:

Bookmark the site in your browser and print out the articles and keep them on hand.
