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Mom attacks her baby bunnies

22 10:17:13

Around a month ago(8/28) my rabbit (Fatty) had babies and around a month later on 9/28 she had  3more and she didn't care for them and then they died and now wen i put the other bunnies back into the cage she bites on their fur and chases them and the baby screams and makes a noise. What am i suppose to do?? please help me asap


well, first, you don't put her in the cage with them. Sometimes females don't have a mothering instinct.  She is going to injure them or kill them.  Keep them separate.  In separate cages.

At 4 weeks old you could either hand feed them using kitten milk replacement mixed with cream instead of water - for another 4 weeks) or you could let them eat hay and food pellets - both timothy hay and alfalfa hay and food pellets.  do not give them any food pellets with extra stuff in them - just pellets.

Also do not give any greens or fruit at all at this age.  Their gi tracts are not mature enough to deal with them yet.  Just hay, and hay food pellets.  Right now you don't have to worry about them eating too much, they are growing.  

I recommend spending time on the House Rabbit Society web site and spend time on nutrition articles (  

Also, pick up the House Rabbit Handbook, it's great.