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rabbits mating??

22 10:28:02

my two rabbits have been bonded for a few months now the girl is around 5-6months and not neutard (because i plan to breed her)and the boy is around 8 months and is neutard. Just recently the boy has been trying to mate with the girl she dosent seem to mind so should i just leave them to it?   and is there any chance of her getting pregnant?
thanks very much

hello vivien

if the boy has been neautered longer than 6 weeks ago then there is no way that she is pregnant by your male rabbit. breeding your rabbit at the age she is at now is the best age to have a first litter. you can breed her with another male but dont put him into the cage with your male rabbit as they will fight alot over your female rabbit.

it is normal for rabbits to mount eachother even if they are neutered.if she dont mind him mounting her then i would just leave them to it.

hope this helps
