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baby bunny needs

22 9:58:26

My cats caught a baby bunny and  some of its fur is ripped off of its back. What do we have to do about that.thers no cuts or broken bones on her. its just that she has alittle ripped fur off her back.
Also, we think the bunny is traumatized. it wouldn't run off when we tried to set it free. I'm scared that it would die of being stressed or my cats hurt it...scared it too much, and we don't think that the bunny will eat..we put alittle water in a bowl in there and alittle grass. we don't know what to do because the bunny is staying in the back corner of the cage. please help us.

Dear Lauren,

If this is a baby bunny, his best (and possibly only) chance of survival is to be brought to a wildlife rehabilitator immediately.  This is clearly stated in my instructions, and I hope you found that and got him to a rescuer.  Please find one here:

You can find emergency care instructions here:

I hope he will be okay.  But a cat injury is often a death sentence unless the baby gets appropriate antibiotics within 12 hours, as my instructions clearly state.
