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Albino rabbits ill

22 11:07:16

My 4 mont h old dwarf albino male rabbit seems to be acting strange.I moved him out of the hutch with 2 guinea pigs as they seemed to fight,hw doesnt want food or drink and his head seems to sway a bit. Im worried.

Hi Mandy,
your rabbit could be experiencing a condition called head tilt. It's an infection in the inner ears and can become quite serious if not cared for . The symptoms are lost appetite,swaying head or circling around,and a constant eye movement. If he doesn't seem to improve by tomorrow morning I suggest contacting a vet to maybe have him looked at.  Otherwise,if the lost appetite started after you separated them he may be depressed or lonely.  If the fighting was severe,you can put the cages beside eachother so they can see eachother at least for company.
 Good luck,Elizabeth