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Taming a Rabbit

22 10:38:34

Hi Dave, I recently moved to a new home out in the country. Our house has a walkout basement and under the upstairs balcony a rabbit has made a home and frequents the area between about 6am and 7pm daily (sitting in a little burrow he dug out). I'd like to make the rabbit more comfortable and tame, and although I realize he is still wild it would be nice to really make him comfortable as he's such a calm and beautiful animal. What I'd like to know is what are ways to "tame" the rabbit: What can I feed him? Are there certain thing to do to make him feel safer around me so he doesn't run away when I open the door (about 5 feet from his spot. It may seem a little excessively ambitious but I'd like to be able to at least touch him or get him to eat from my hand. Another question I have is where the rabbit lives is dirt because its sheltered however its about to start snowing in the surrounding areas and as a result his fur is becoming more white. Does this mean that when it does in fact snow he won't blend in enough against the brown surroundings of under my deck and leave. It feels like we've just got to know our new pet :) Thanks for you help. Doug.

hi doug it depends how old it is -it will be hard to get it tamed- two things i suggest are:-
put some hay in its burrow and keep feeding and give it water to drink -this will take time but in the end he will get use to you.
secondly  if you can get a live trap cage and put feed inside it you might be able to trap it then make a cage for it and carry on as though it was a domestic rabbit.