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dog injured wild rabbit

22 10:49:13

My stupid dog scratched or bit at a baby rabbit until its hind leg was raw and bleeding.  I tried to get it to clean it up, but by the time I got gloves, warm water and antibacterial ointment, it got away.  Then I was thinking.. maybe I should not try to treat it anyway.  What is the best thing to do in a case like this?

Hi Elaine

If the bunny got away it was probably ok.  Unfortunately these things happen in nature.  If you were ever to catch a wild rabbit that was injured so badly that it couldn't move etc, the best thing to do is take it to a vet or an wildlife refuge center.  

Hopefully something like this will never happen again.  Sometimes it is just better to let nature happen.  The chances of a wild rabbit surviving while in captivity are very slim.  If it is a minor injury there is nothing wrong with cleaning it up and then letting it go again.  A full grown rabbit will never let you do this and even babies can die from stress.

Oh and your dog isn't stupid!  :)  It is their natural instinct.  The rabbit probably ran and he just thought he was supposed to chase it.  I used to have the best trained great dane.  She was a perfect angel but anytime anything ran she would chase it.  I don't think she could help it.  Just don't blame your puppy, accidents happen.

Good luck
