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possible nerve damage in rabbits front leg.

22 10:36:58

hi,  i have a 2-3 month old bunny. about a week and a half ago, he fell from a high bed and hurt his front right leg.  we took him to the vet, and we were told he had a dislocated elbow.  he had a cast/splint on for a week, it was removed yesturday and since then the bunny has not put and weight on the leg, aswell to my knowledge he has not moved it.  the vet told us it might just be weak since he has not used it in over a week, but that there could also be nerve damage.  i am afraid that if there is nerve damage the bunny will never be able to use this leg again.  the leg seems to drag under him and he steps on it with his back leg.  what have you come across with nerve damage in bunnies?   can it be fixed?  is there a way to get his health back to 100% in the same state as before the accident?  Also, if nothing can be done, what suggestions do you have to give him a normal life? it is so heartbreaking to see him like this.

I'm sorry, I haven't had any experience dealing specifically with nerve damage in rabbits, though I have quite a bit of experience dealing with bunny disabilities. My best advice is: let him guide you.

When you look merely at their diagnosis or their conditions, disabled bunnies are very sad. But rabbits have an amazing spirit and often lead very fulfilling lives in the face of serious challenges. If you're ever in doubt about what direction to take, just spend some quality time with him down on his level. For over a year Peanut lived with serious mobility issues and made it very clear she was not ready to give up. And in September, when she became really ill, she made it equally clear that she was ready to go.

So with that said, I'd definitely seek out other rabbit owners who have made better lives possible for their disabled bunnies. Check out:\


Hope that helps!