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rabbit jealousy

22 11:26:18

i have a dutch rabbit that is 2 years old just recently i have gotten a new rabbit that is a baby and even though we pay more attention to the old rabbit the old rabbit won't come to us anymore when we call and is starting to get agressitve. what do i need to do in order to fix the problem? i also wanted to know if rabbits could die from jealously?

Please respond quickly
kind regards

I have not heard of a rabbit dying from jealousy, but certainly if a rabbit feels very stressed and insecure their immune systems and digestive systems may not work up to snuff and make them more apt to become ill.

I would suggest that you read up on introducing rabbits to one another at the House Rabbit Society site,, or their fine book, the House Rabbit Handbook (I have no affiliation with the organization, financial or otherwise--this is simply the best book out there on house bunnies). Successful rabbit introductions are complicated affairs with many techniques--more than I can possibly list here-- to overcome problems such as territoriality and jealousy. It can take months in severe cases, depending on the sex, age and personalities of the rabbits involved.

Something that will likely help, and have other benefits (although there are always risks), is to have the older rabbit spayed or neutered, and have the young rabbit spayed or neutered as soon as it is old enough. Cutting down on the sex hormones usually decreases territoriality, although it is not a cureall.

Good luck.
