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Eye problem w/rabbit

22 11:08:16

My rabbit has a some white in the pupil and it is starting to turn pink around the eye. What might this be?

Dear Ronnie,

(Sorry for the delay.  My DSL has been down--they're having problems with Earthlink all over Florida--and only now am I able to access the AllExperts site.  I'm going to have to put myself on "vacation" on this site until they get the problem fixed, so I'm sorry I might not be available for followup questions right away.)

Without seeing the bunny, I cannot tell for sure.  You need to get the bunny to a good rabbit vet:

for in person examination and treatment.  

But this *sounds* as if it could be a corneal ulceration that needs immediate treatment.  If the area on top of the pupil has a cloudy spot, then she may have a bacterial or fungal infection, or may have scratched her cornea.  The inflammation will spread to the entire surface of the eye, causing the sclera (white part of the eye) to turn pink with irritation.

Corneal injuries are very painful, and one of the most important reasons to get bun to the vet for this is for some pain medication.  Atropine can help, even though some rabbits have an enzyme (atropinase) that inactivates the medicine in a relatively short time.  But it still can give relief for a while, as the other medications, (usually antibiotic ophthalmic drops and/or anti-fungal topical medication such as miconazole cream) are administered and start doing their healing work.

Please get bunny to a good vet ASAP for treatment of this painful problem that will NOT go away on its own.  If it's not treated, the eye and her vision could be at risk.

Hope this helps.
