Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > nail trimming & shyness

nail trimming & shyness

22 11:27:45

My rabbit squirms when I try to trim her nails, but if I don't the nails will get so long that they will bend backwards and bleed( alot). What should I do? Another thing is she is so people shy, will she always be like this?

Aly, This is normal. I suggest you have someone else hold her while you trim the nails. As for her shyness, it may be a function of her age and also how much you handle her. Set aside about 15 minutes each day just to get her out and stroke her fur. It is amazing how quickly she will calm down if you do this...altho Rabbits are as individual as people are, and she may not warm up to other people as much as she does with you.
