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Orphaned wild baby bunny found in yard.

22 11:36:57

Hi, I am hoping you can help me.  My husband ran over a bunny nest in the yard today (Sunday April 4) while mowing.  It was an old rotten tree stump.  Two of the bunnies ran off, two were killed (very unfortunate and sad for us) and we saved one.  We are not sure what we need to do for this little guy.  If we should try and release him back in our yard or  keep him.  We have no idea what food, if any to offer him, how to keep him caged, or if he was still nursing from his mother.  Any advise and instruction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Ginger in Knoxville

Hi Gonger,

How unfortunate for you! I think you should let it go in your yard. If two of his siblings ran away, then they are probably looking after themselves and your little one will probably do the same. Obviously, they are vulnerable to predators being so young, but it's better to let them stay wild in stead of rearing a wild rabbit. They do not make good pets even if reared by humans so it would be better for the rabbit if it fended for itself from a young age.

Hope this Helps