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rabbit weird behavior

22 10:05:57

how do I know if my rabbit is in heat? it wants to hump on stuffed animals or anyone that gets close to it, its very disturbing please help


it sounds like your rabbit has hit sexual maturity.  If he or she is anywhere from 3-6 months old or so, that's what this means.  The behavior is hormonally driven, so this is the only way to reduce it - get rid of the major glands making most of the hormones.

The solution is having a good rabbit vet - not all are - neuter (if a boy) or spay (if a girl) your bunny.  But only have a good rabbit vet do it, one that is doing these operations once or more a week, with basically a greater than 99% success rate.

go here to find a good rabbit vet around you:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.