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Male Fur Pulling

22 10:27:47

My recently neutered male has pulled a patch of hair (1 by 4 inches from his side. It looks so clean as if it had been shaved... Any ideas?

It sounds like barbering, which is where a rabbit (or other animal) chews and pulls out fur, generally this is caused by boredom.

However the first thing you need to check to make sure that he does not have any fleas or skin issues that would cause scratching or chewing.

If you can rule this out, then you can assume it is barbering.  Add toys to the cage, such as empty toilet paper rolls, wooden bird toys, chew sticks, jingle bells balls (like for cats) to help give him other things to chew and play with.

You might also want to pick up petromalt which you can buy at most pet stores, it is for rabbits and helps keep them from getting large hairballs in their stomach

Also check out this website for more ideas for toys

However if he continues to do this on a regular basis, you need to take him to the vet, this is generally harmless, but can at times be a indication of a more serious problem