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brother rabbits fighting

22 10:17:26

we have two male lop gaints. they are brothers and they are starting to fight. they are not fixed, but was wondering, if seperated for a while if they would at some point stop fighting and able to be together again.

Dear Dawn,

Separate the boys immediately, and don't let them fight under any circumstances.  Rabbits hold grudges, and the more fighting they do now, the harder it will be to bond them later.

They need to be neutered and allowed to heal and calm down before being reintroduced.  Please read:

and find a good, experienced rabbit vet here:

You can find excellent tips for re-bonding them once they're neutered here:

But whatever you do, DO NOT let them fight any more.  It will only make things more difficult--if not impossible--later on.

I hope this helps.
