Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit is bleeding...

rabbit is bleeding...

22 9:58:21

hi.. i have just been out to feed my rabbit who is roughly 5 yrs old, there is blood all over the hatch, some with blood clots. it seems to be coming from his behind... can you please tell me what this might be???

thank you

Dear Lauryn,

If you had blood coming from your nether regions, I think you would immediately get yourself to a competent physician.  Your bunny deserves no less!  Please get him/her there immediately for help. This is an emergency, and the internet is not the best place to seek help in such a possibly life-threatening crisis.

If you are not sure your bunny is male, then it's quite likely that she's a female with uterine cancer, which is very common in unspayed females.  If the cancer hemorrhages, it can be extremely dangerous.

Please get your bunny to a good rabbit vet NOW, before it's too late:
