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Female Rabbit - pulling her fur out.

22 10:28:04

Hi Kareen
I have a little grey female rabbit - i have had her for about 3 or 4 months and i think she was about 2 months old when i got her (from a local pet shop). Today i noticed a huge tuft of hair on the towel she sits on in the lounge. Later in the day i found another big tuft under a coffee table and then more this evening in our dining room. as i type here she has pulled out more fur!!! Is ths normal? i am concerned it is stress related?? because i dont have another rabbit so its highly unlikely she is pregnant. There have been occassions where she has "escaped" and i have found her a day or 2 later in a neighbours yard. Your assistance would be much appreciate.
I did like the fact that you stress that you will NOT answer questions about rabbit meat. Like me, its obviously something you find highly offensive and upsetting!
thank you
Katelyn Westbrook
Westville, South Africa
+ 27 82 7053831

HI Katelyn,

First off I don't think its stress related I haven't heard of a rabbit doing that before from stress but I would wonder more if its not some kind of irritation and she is scratching it out? Or she has mites or round worm? I am not saying that it cant be stress but I would lean towards the others first.