Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > health of my holland lop

health of my holland lop

22 11:21:38

Nancy, my lop, was 7 years old in March and I just recently
moved to my mother's home to care for her, and Nancy all of
a sudden quit jumping around her cage and has ballooned up.
I talked to a handler and she told me to feed her oatmeal
for 24 hours for gas, or a strange substance she might have
gotten in the move, or then to give her a 1/4 teaspoon of
oil for a possible furball.

Nancy is eating and drinking, but seems to sit in her stools
and not be the same bunny she has always been.  Her tummy
is tight and I know she didn't suddenly gain weight.  

What could this be?

I can think of 2 things - gas or pyrometra.  Has she ever been spayed?  If not, then you may want to have that checked out, it can be fatal.

If it is gas, then the treatment is different, and there is a very good article about this at  

Either way, get her checked out, and good luck.
