Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Do grooming get rid of bloodsuckers?

Do grooming get rid of bloodsuckers?

22 10:40:33

I have some rabbits who groom each other a lot. Do they lick off fleas and ticks?

Dear Tom,

Mutual grooming is mostly done out of affection.  But some parasites can be removed in this way.  Grooming will not remove ticks and fleas, though.  And it will make only a small dent in the parasite population if your rabbits are infested.

If you suspect your rabbits have mites, fleas or ticks, please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here for help:

But also enjoy the sight of your bunnies who obviously love each other very much, and are expressing their affection in
The Rabbit Way.

