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Post operative splayed hind legs

22 9:51:57

I am at my wits end. My two female bunnies (2 years old) have both been spayed 3 weeks ago. Immediately following the op's one of the girl's has both hind legs splayed. I have returned to the Vet on two occasions, X-rays were taken and everything looked okay. I was then advised to "wait it out" as it may be muscular. The Vet also prescribed a course of Baytril which is nearing completion. I have clipped her to stop her urine wicking up her fur and scalding her, this also keeps her so much dryer. I have kept her in her cage to limit her movements, and she is eating really well. It is very distressing to watch her try to move as she cannot turn and hop because her splayed legs restrict this type of movement. What else can I do?

Dear TJ,

It sounds as if your poor bunny suffered bad handling at the vet's office when she was spayed.  Whether this is muscular or neurological is difficult to say at this point. But the vet's office should certainly not be charging you after something like that.  How horrible.

I would suggest you help her recover by bracing her legs as shown here:

We actually don't use the cork in between the feet any more.  We just brace the legs together with water-resistant tape so that the feet are parallel.  This reduces strain on the hips and helps prevent permanent malformation of the bones and joints while the bunny recovers.

We actually have one bunny (Rusty the Magnificent) who is congenitally splayed, and he will wear these braces for life. But he doesn't seem to mind, and actually is very happy when we replace the braces if they slip off.  If you would like to see pictures of his braces, just let me know and I'll do my best to add them to the site above.

I hope this helps, and that your poor little girl makes a full recovery soon.

Take care,
