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Rabbit with hairloss

22 10:27:20

I have a female rabbit that stays outside in a large walk in pen with my chickens. Today when I went to check on her I noticed she was missing lots of hair on the front of her back legs. When I picked her up it looked like her back legs were covered in ant bites. I assumed they were ant bites because they were little bumps full of puss just like a human gets when bitten by an ant. If it is ant bites how should I treat the bites and how do I encourage hair growth?     Thanks, Sara

Hello Sara !
I hope your bunny is doing OK !
If the bumps get worst you may need to take your bunny in to a vet. For now keep the bumps clean and you need to remove your rabbit from that setting. ants are not good . also it is not advisable to keep rabbits with Chickens theChickens have lice and parasites that are not good for rabbits that is what I think it is not ant bites. wash your rabbit with flea shampoo and dry it real good  and please keep her isolated for now.
good luck Dan