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sexing baby rabbits

22 10:40:55

What are the major identifiers you personally observe when sexing baby rabbits?  Please list those you look for first and then those that may be secondary identifiers.  Please give specifics.  I hope sexing will be made easier with your expert advise.  Finally, with a high reliability factor,  what is the earliest age a baby rabbit can be sexed?  


Dear Serenity,

It is really really really hard to reliably sex baby rabbits.  I'm pretty good at it, but with a rabbit younger than eight weeks, even I bat only about 70%.

You can find illustrations here:

But truthfully, I do not even know any rabbit-experienced *v ets* who can reliably sex a baby rabbit younger than 8 weeks of age, which is the soonest they should be weaned.

A male rabbit's genitals will appear as a little "donut", with a central depression in a round bump when you gently press the prepuce to evert the genitals.  A female will have a slit that extends the full length of the protrusion when you evert the genitals, and I've also noticed that a young female will also have two relatively conspicuous red streaks (vascularization) extending from the genital opening towards the belly when the genitals are everted.

Hope that helps!

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