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stumped about my rabbits

22 11:37:09

  I am getting 2 mini lops next week, a buck and a doe, for showing at the 4-H fair and then I am going to breed them. Do you have any suggestions on what 2 colors cross the best. I have never had mini lops before, as I used to raise dutch rabbits, so I am also wondering if there is any certian grains or foods that help to condition them for show.
  I also have another rabbit that I just got thats about a month old and its a cross between a rex and a polish. Do you have any idea how big she will get and if she will be able to be shown? She has all the polish characteristics like the  ears, the nose and fur, and is tri-colored broken(gray, brown, and white).

      Thank you for your time

Dear Brandi,

I do not know much about breeding Mini Lops, as I have only ever had one Mini Lop (though I did breed him, but not to another Mini Lop!), but I think the color crossing is pretty much just a matter of preference. If it were me, though, I would probably try two very different colors to see what I would get. Agouti and opal, or chinchilla and orange, or something like that!
My sister shows rabbits, and sometimes she gives them sunflower seeds, which, I believe, are supposed to help condition them.
A Rex and a Polish!? I'd like to see that! It it a Mini Rex, or standart Rex? If it is a standard Rex, she could get pretty big, but I do not know how big Rex's usually get (just that they are fairly large!), and since there is the Polish gene as well, it is hard to guess. You'll just have to wait and see. As to the showing--it depends on the show. Our local rabbit 4-H club (or was it the county fair? Maybe both) has a new category for mixed breed rabbits. They are mostly judged on condition--how healthy they look, and their fur condition and such.

I hope this helps.
God Bless