Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how do you clean a rabbit cage?

how do you clean a rabbit cage?

22 11:37:34

i was wondering how you clean a rabbit cage. if you could tell me, that'd be great.

Dear Carly,

How to clean a rabbit cage depends a little on what kind of cage you have. Assuming you have a wire cage with a tray in the bottom, I'll give you a few steps you can follow, or improvise as appropriate.

First, remove the rabbit to another cage or box or other safe place to stay for as long as it takes you to clean the cage. Take out any food dishes, toys, and water bottles/dishes.

Next, dump the shavings out of the tray.

Now pour rinse out the tray with a hose. For a more thorough cleaning, use warm water, bleach, and a scrub brush, and scrub it out, then rinse well. Fill the tray with fresh shavings.

For the cage part, clean out any hay or fur or stools that are stuck in the bottom or sides or celing of the cage. If there is messy stuff that is hard to remove, scrub the whole cage with bleach and warm water and a scrub brush. Rinse well, pat dry with a towel, and, if available, let it sun-dry. Put the tray back in, put the food and water back in, and return the rabbit to its abode!

I hope this helps!
God Bless