Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pox


22 10:47:16

Hi i feel silly asking this question but my partener has chicken pox.Can my rabbit also be at risk from this?
thank you for your time .

Dear Glenn,

That's not a silly question at all.  Viruses can sometimes "jump species."  And in the case of the Chicken pox virus (varicella zoster), there are related viruses (Herpes type) that have been reported to be transmitted from human to rabbit with fatal results for the rabbit.  

I am not aware of any cases of chicken pox virus having been fatal to a rabbit.  But it would not be a bad idea to keep your bunny away from your roommate until all infectious stages have passed.  (Please ask your physician, or your roommate's physician about how long this should be.)

Best rule of thumb:  If in doubt, err on the side of caution.

I hope this helps!
