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Strange Noise

22 10:58:46

Ok, I have had this rabbit for less than a year but I believe it is at least two years old.  I got it from my friend who could no longer keep it.  I am pretty sure from the very beginning this bunny made noises as if it is crying but lately it seems to be more often.  It also seems like its gotten worse.  When she makes the noise its as if something gets caught in her nose or throat and she kind of makes a coughing noise.  She only makes the noise when I go to pet her or pick her up which is why I was thinking it may not be too serious.  If she was ill or hurt I would think she would make the noise at any given time.  She is a very moody bunny and will try to bite me when I pick her up but she is always begging to come out of her cage.  There is another bunny also living in my household who is male.  Their cages are stacked.  Neither of them are neutered which is why we keep them separate.  Another question which I don't think has much to do with anything but I would like to ask just in case.  Lately I have noticed a build up of what looks like her poop in her crotch area.  Its gross and leaves disgusting spots on clothing.  When I tried washing it the other day it wouldn't completely come out.  Could this cause or be an infection?

Hi Christine

The rabbit that is making noises when you try to pick her up most likely doesn't like to be picked up.  They will often make a grunting noise but it sounds more like a sigh than a grunt you would expect to hear from a human or other animal.  I would have to agree with you if she was ill she would probably make this noise at other times and not just when being approached.  It would probably be really good for you to let her out to play when she wants to come out.  Of course not when the buck is out.  She might warm up to you a little bit.  

You can try to get on the floor on your hands and knees and play games with her.  Try rubbing your face and wiggling your nose.  Watch her nose and see if she is copying you.  Then when she starts coming up to you hold out your hand and see if she will let you pet her.  You can try giving her a small safe treat.  I have a rabbit that acts very similar to yours.  He used to hate me horribly.  I give him 1 small raisin (with no extra sugar) every day and now he kisses me on the nose.  I still can't pick him up but he will let me pet him now without attacking me.  Just an idea of something you can try.

About the poopy butt.. well she could not be eating her cecotropes and they could be sticking to her butt.  If she is a rabbit with longer hair you can actually take scissors and cut the hair right off.  If she is a short haired rabbit the only thing you can do is pick it off with your hands.   Yes it is definitely not a fun thing to do but it has to be done.  When I am cleaning my long haired rabbits or babies I will get some baby wipes and try to get the area moist.  I will then just pick off the clumps piece by piece.  Remember that they will be stuck to her genitals so you want to remove them very slowly and carefully.  

If she is not eating, or drinking and she acts sick then I would be worried about an infection.  If she acts healthy and normal she probably just needs to have her butt cleaned.  Sometimes the type of cages they are in makes them more susceptible to poopy butt.  If she is in a hutch that requires bedding she may be sitting in it.  If that is the case you can try a hutch that has a wire bottom.  They usually have pans underneath them so that your house doesn't get all dirty.  I love my wire bottom hutches.  If you do decide to use one just make sure you give her a perch of some sort so she can rest her feet.  I usually just through in a piece of untreated plywood.  

Goodluck and if you need anything else please let me know
