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Holland Lops - eye problems

22 10:32:55

Hi there!  I just bought two Holland lop does from a pretty low-down pet store and am having problems with the smaller ones eye.  It has a white, pus-like discharge and looks a little red on the very bottom of the orbit.  It almost looks like there may be a small sore there, but I am not sure.  Is there any eye wash that will help this poor little thing or should I try to get her to the vet (it is Sunday and nobody was open today).  Any info you might be able to share would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for your time.
Betsy Taylor

Hi Betsy,

I'd just try to clean the eye area and get any pus out of there.  You will need to go to the vet as soon as physically possible and get them both examined.  You should in order to make sure the other little one doesn't have problems you don't know about.

This kind of stuff (infections) doesn't clear up on its own, it will get worse if left untreated.  You will need to get proper antibiotics to deal with the infections.  To get the right antibiotic the first time, you should ask them to do a culture and sensitivity test sothat they can identify the most effective (and also dafest for rabbits) antibiotic that will work the best, the first time.  It will save you money in the long run.

Also you need to find a good RABBIT vet in your area, for getting the best/fastest correct care for your rabbits, and also, to save you money by getting diagnoses and treatment right the first time.  You should start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet near you.

Write back anytime.
