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different rabbit breeds

22 11:09:29

have you ever heard of the polish lopear because i actually received a certificate of registry with the Rabbitry by a local breeder but, when i mention having this particular breed, i'm told they don't exist? is this a new breed many have yet to discover? i don't like the embarassment even if i do have the certificate as proof. i'd like to know asap, thankyou.


Hi Teresa,
The polish rabbit is a breed in itself,and originated from Belgium,despite it's name.
 It's a 3 pound,mini rabbit with small ears that touch eachother. I would guess that this rabbit being a "polish lop" is a mix.  Polish rabbits definately aren't lops as far as I know.  Unless bred with a lop,then you have your polish lop.  Hope it helps you a bit..good luck,Elizabeth