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two pregnant females

22 10:57:48

hi i recentley bought two females and one male i thought was pregnant and soon found out that both have tits. i have separated the male from them.this morning i found two babies dead in the do i know woch mom gave birth?and if the other is still pregnant? please help

Melissa - you do have a problem.  Since the kits you found were dead I would advise you to put each female in a cage by herself with a nest and then just wait.  You have to be sure neither is pregnant before you put either with the male to mate.  Pregnancy is approx 31 days.  If neither has had kits by then you can check her vulva - if it is pink and moist she is ready to mate. Make sure that the nests are always clean and have clean dry hay in them.  Usually you give a doe the nest at day 28 - then they fix it to their specs and do not dirty it.  But when they have a nest to soon sometimes they use it as a bathroom - but since you do not know when or even if- you should put the nests in now and just check them everyday for kits or being dirty.