Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bloat?


22 9:53:17

I have a local rabbit breeder that has had lost several rabbits old and young to some type of GI problem. The rabbit stops eating,drinking and pooping, and there is a swoosh swoosh in their stomachs. They lose weight very fast. The rabbitry is very clean. We have tried everything from changing food to cleaning with different cleaners. Can city cause this type of problem? Can any type of GI problem be passed from rabbit to rabbit through the air or clothing when feeding? Also can it be genetic? New rabbits have been brought in and some get sick after only a week and some remain healthy. Lastly what types of tests can be done.

Dear Sharyl,

What you describe is not bloat.  If these rabbits were suffering true bloat, they would have hard abdomens, be in extreme pain, and die within a few hours of onset of symptoms.  What is more likely is that these rabbits are suffering from ileus, a side effect of some other problem--physical or emotional.

The "swoosh" sound is likely gas in the liquid of the intestines, and this is a normal byproduct of ileus.  Ileus can be caused by many things, including stress.  It is NOT a primary disease/disorder:  it is a symptom of something else.  Please read this for information on how to treat the problem when it first shows up:

Also please see:

The appearance of losing weight quickly is most likely due to dehydration.  Supportive care is critical in a situation like this, and subcutaneous fluids are a must.  You will absolutely need the help of a good rabbit vet:

who can do proper diagnostic testing.  I know a lot of breeders will not bother taking rabbits to the vet, but I hope this friend of yours is not typical, and will do what is necessary to find out what is causing these bunnies to suffer ileus and die.

Please also read:

Good luck,
