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Baby Bunnies and their hairless feet

22 10:26:21

Hello, I have 3 new baby bunnies that my rabbit had outside in a burrow she dug under the pool.  They are about 3-4 weeks now and appear to be very healthy however, I notice that half of their little feet are hairless.  The front part of all of their feet looks dry like someone's scalp with a lot of dandruff and hairless.  I thought it was just because they were young the hair wasn't growing but it's been a week now and nothing has changed. Should I worry or is this normal.  Please advise.  Thank you.

Dear Camille,

It sounds as if the babies have mange, and this needs to be treated or it will spread to other areas of the body.  Please read:

This condition can be safely treated with Revolution (selamectin) from a trusted rabbit vet:

We've used it on babies as young as 2 weeks, and they did great.  DO NOT use Frontline (fipronil) on rabbits, as it can be deadly to them.

Please get the babies and mama to a good rabbit vet ASAP for in-person diagnosis and prescription of proper treatment.

I hope this helps.
