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Lumps On Babies

22 10:47:47

My doe just had a new litter about a month and a half ago. Recently me and my friend noticed large growing lumps on three out of four of the babies. One lump is on the back, one on the foot, and one IN the ear. They seem to be constantly growing and im afraid that this might be life threatening. What should I do. They don't seem like they're suffering or in pain. Sometimes when you try to touch the lump or get near it they do jump, as a sign that doesn't feel good. HELP!

Most likely it is abcesses, if they are large lumps. They can definitely be life-threatening. However, since you say most of them have it, it could also be caused by one of a few infectious diseases. Bordatella can cause bad abcesses, as can myxomytosis. Your best bet is to get them to a rabbit knowledgeable vet. Without seeing the lumps, I cannot give you a good idea as to what might be causing them. No matter what is causing them, it is most likely life threatening, anyway, so a vet will be your best bet.