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rabbits first long roadtrip (urgent)

22 9:57:16

Hi , I am planning to go on a trip tomorrow , and I want to bring my bunny with me , since I'm gonna be away for almost one month.
My bunny did travel with car few times in the past , but none of these trips were longer than 30 min , and the trip I am going to is about 4 hours long. So what I'm asking is it better to take my bun with me , or to pay someone to take care of him while I'm gone?Is car trip that much stressful for bunnies?
And if it turns out that I should take him with me , please provide me with some helpful tips.

Best Regards , Nikola.

Dear Nikola,

Bunnies are pretty good car travelers, and I've gone on many long trips with my bunnies.  So if you have a safe place where you are going to be living for the month, I think it would be good to take your bunny with you.  Much safer for bunny, since you know him best, and can tell if he needs a vet, or anything.  Plus, if you are his only friend, then he might grieve badly while you are gone, and this could affect his health adversely.

For a car trip, put bunny in a safe carrier in the back seat on the floor.  Equip it with soft, cotton cushions, and bring a big bag of wet greens to offer him when you stop for short breaks.  Don't ever take him out of the car.  You just can't judge whether he'd get scared by something, leap out of your arms and disappear forever. It's only a four hour trip, so you can put a litterbox in the back seat, too, with some fresh hay, and allow him his "bathroom breaks" when you take yours.  Bring a water bowl and a bottle of water to offer when you stop, and basically treat him like the child in the back seat.  :)

I think he'll do just fine.  Bunnies settle in on longer trips, in my experience, and I think he'll be safer with you than left behind with a stranger.

Hope this helps.
