Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > fire ants

fire ants

22 10:34:18

hi... can fire ants hurt rabbits in anyway? when i let my rabbits to play in my backyard for a while they always like to go on fire ants hills and sleep on it or just stand on their, i try to take them off their when ever i can, but can they hurt them my rabbits don't seem to mind the fire ants and the fire ants come off when my rabbits start to run. so can this hurt them in anyway?

Hi Sara, ants are harmful to rabbits.  They usually have a somewhat difficult time getting thru the fur but the pain and the toxin they inject would not be a good thing for a rabbit.  We now have fire ants in our area....and we dealt with them quite a bit when we had a place near the beach.  They are not very nice bugs.  I used grits to eradicate them since I didn't want to use toxins in the yard.
