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Overweight Mini Lop HELP!!

22 9:53:27

I show rabbits in 4-H and my 2 year old Mini Lop was previously a Grand Champion, but thanks to his abrupt weight gain he hasn't been able to win.  My family and I have been trying to get him back on track but with no luck. We have put him on a strict diet of 3 oz. a day.  But he hasn't shedded an OUNCE.  His current weight is 7.6 oz. and he needs to be a maximum of 6.8 oz.  We're desperate, please help!!

Ahhhh, welcome to Mini Lop showing. We have few health problems, but we do get big. It seems that it's time to retire him. a 7 pound 6 ounce buck will never lose enough weight and still look good. He's just big boned!

Are you feeding anything else other than rabbit feed? If not, then the 3 oz might be such a small amount that his body is sensing the lack of feed and is trying to conserve as much of it as possible in the form of fat. He'll eventually lose it, but only after his body go through the shock period.

Of course, losing almost 1 pound on a breed that is only 6.5-7.5 pounds is a huge amount of weight loss. You'll lose all of your flesh condition even if you keep him on an exercise regimen.

Good luck!!!